Eleanor & Molly

Meet Eleanor
Eleanor is like many horses of the world. When we adopted her at the age of 19, she had sadly found herself through no fault of her own, with a sticker on her rear end and available for sale to the highest bidder at an auction.
Working together with the Peeps Foundation in Lexington, KY, they cleaned her up, began treatment of a wound on her face caused by an overgrown nylon halter growing into her skin and recognized an untreated ulcer in her right eye.
Eleanor, despite her sad condition was indeed a beautiful soul and, like so many other horses in this world, found herself being the horse that someone no longer wanted and was crass enough to simply sell her off to the person with the most money despite whatever intentions they may have. We feel blessed to have gotten her.
Unbeknown to us, Eleanor was pregnant when we got her and in the following spring, delivered a very, very small, premature baby, named Teddy.
Meet Molly
Molly is one heck of a cute little donkey. She is a miniature and when standing next to Milton, our other miniature donkey, is significantly smaller than he is (despite her very round belly).
Molly came from a large breeding farm in Illinois, in 2016. She was afraid of everything. People, horses, sounds, you name it.
When Molly was finally able to make it to the Ranch, we had to practice the mantra, patience, patience, patience with her. Molly was a kicker. This is a donkey’s natural defense mechanism.She would kick out at people and at the horses when put in the paddock.
Therefore, Molly had no friends for a long, long time. She tried to kick them all!
But, time and patience perservered with Molly and today, she is a happy, much more balanced, loving little donkey. She has found a friend in both Banks and Eleanor.
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